Eradicating Patriarchy From Movement Spaces

This is article two of five in a patriarchy series—from the mouth of a Black man to the ears of Black men—written by the multi-talented Daniel Johnson. Subscribe via email. Over the long history of Black resistance and social revolution in America, there has concurrently run a simultaneous vein of Patriarchy which has informed these… Continue reading Eradicating Patriarchy From Movement Spaces

Vol 3: Think Happy Thoughts While Catching Hell

Peace. Black folks have been catching hell since we’ve been in this country, and we keep catching hell today. There’s a perpetual pressure and need for black folks to find a way to balance our mental anguish and rage—born of micro-aggressions, aggressions, and disrespect—with positivity in order to function. Thank God (love) black folks have… Continue reading Vol 3: Think Happy Thoughts While Catching Hell