Many of my colleagues who facilitate training and workshops for companies—especially around equity and inclusion—are gearing up for an intense season. With the holiday season upon us and the reality of the election still settling in, many of us are experiencing anxieties about the future. But a bit of reflection on how much black folks have survived and overcome for thousands of years throughout the diaspora serves as a reminder of our incredible resilience.
I don’t know about you, but I’m gearing up for a four-year sprint. A sprint towards the progress that isn’t promised. A sprint fueled by a growing commitment to protect and amplify the voices and needs of our most vulnerable communities. A sprint that must define the pace of action moving forward. Those of us with the fortitude to “clear a hole” in the madness must do so deliberately and conspicuously—our brothers and sisters need us.
For me, the mood of the moment is captured in my friend Kurt’s recent article entitled, aptly, The Fierce Urgency Of Now. I look to Kurt to sharpen my thinking on both global scale challenges and tactical execution, and so I’m really glad to share a glimpse into his insights.
Last week I had the pleasure of producing an event for Collaborate Harlem with WeWork. Harlem showed up in a big way, and I’ll share more photos and video from the event when they’re available.

We’re already planning the next events. We look forward to more of these in 2017, and I hope to see you.
As Sherrell says, onward.
Upcoming appearances
If your organization would like to bring me in, please get in touch.
- 12/1/16 in NYC: Quartet Health’s “More than just a Number” Diversity & Inclusion Panel
- 12/3/16 in Philly: Whitney M. Young, Jr. Memorial Conference
- 1/18/17 in Boston: BREAD (Boston’s Racial Economic Activated Dialogue)
Abernathy is the leading online magazine for professional black men, and this is an excerpt from a recent newsletter. Subscribe for full and early access.