My Fellow Black Americans: It’s Time to Get—and Use—That Passport

Brothers, if you don’t have one already, you need to get yourself a passport. If you do have one, it’s time to use it. As a 37-year-old black man from Florida, I can honestly say that now, more than ever in my lifetime, I am mortally afraid of inadvertently pissing off some over-eager, trigger-happy jackass… Continue reading My Fellow Black Americans: It’s Time to Get—and Use—That Passport

My President

Fading Super Obama by Jonathan McIntosh via Flickr.

Barack Hussein Obama. Let me start this off by an admission. The man is my hero. But, let me assure you that this has little to do with who he actually is. This isn’t about his foreign policy or about his commitment to his promises. It’s about how many of us see him as if… Continue reading My President

The Sad State of Depression In the Black Community

Photo by Robert Stewart via Flickr

Depression is heavily misunderstood in the black community. While medical professionals see depression as a mental illness that needs proper treatment, it’s often confused as emotional angst. Its incorrect categorization is likely the cause for high rates of untreated depression found in black women and why the suicide rate for black men “between 20 and… Continue reading The Sad State of Depression In the Black Community