On Critique and Praise of President Obama

As of January 20, 2017, the United States Presidency as we know it will be no longer. Barack, Michelle, Sasha, and Malia will cease occupation of the White House and enter American society as citizens, albeit as the former First Family. President Obama’s staff has minimized, his cabinet members have removed the last items from… Continue reading On Critique and Praise of President Obama

Racism Reminders

For many folks who hold historically marginalized identities, particularly those of us who feel the effects of racism and microaggressions acutely in our bodies, I’d like to share two truths for determining how to think about those who perpetuate bad behavior: They are mistaken. It’s not about you. Half the battle is deciding if we’re… Continue reading Racism Reminders

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Tech Spotlight: Ramona Jackson

The Abernathy Tech Spotlight series highlights black professionals working in tech, from freelance developers to non-technical founders. Complete this form to submit your profile. What is your current role and where do you work? I’m a Director of Program and Project Management at Elavon in “The Grove”. The Grove is a global innovation center, which… Continue reading Tech Spotlight: Ramona Jackson


Of all the new words that entered the lexicon last year, “whitelash” was the hardest one for me to share with my students. I felt relief when a local media source in San Francisco chose “Xenophobia” as the word of the year, because that word’s easy to accept. Phobia is a powerful suffix we review… Continue reading Whitelash

Tech Spotlight: James Robinson

The Abernathy Tech Spotlight series highlights black professionals working in tech, from freelance developers to non-technical founders. Complete this form to submit your profile. What is your current role and where do you work? I am the co-founder and Managing Partner at Caerus Investment Partners. We’re a micro-VC focused on seed-stage investing. How did you… Continue reading Tech Spotlight: James Robinson

Why John Lewis’ decision to boycott the inauguration is a mistake, and why we shouldn’t follow his lead

Representative John Lewis has declined to attend the inauguration out of a belief that Russian interference in the election delegitimizes Trump’s presidency. Other lawmakers are following suit after Trump insulted Lewis for his decision. Here are four reasons why you should go anyway: Safety in numbers. A brown face automatically amounts to protest in many… Continue reading Why John Lewis’ decision to boycott the inauguration is a mistake, and why we shouldn’t follow his lead

Near and Present Diversity: The Paradox of Progress

On the topic of “diversity and inclusion” in tech, many companies are understandably intimidated by the challenges presented and would prefer to hire a few “underrepresented minorities” (see? we’re diverse!), and put the topic behind them. Not so fast my dear Diversity Councils. In speeding past the uncomfortable conversations, we in fact do our colleagues… Continue reading Near and Present Diversity: The Paradox of Progress

The Making Of Blue Collar Hustle — Part 2: Allegory Of Ajani

“After the Egyptian and Indian, the Greek and Roman, the Teuton and Mongolian, the Negro is a sort of seventh son, born with a veil, and gifted with second-sight in this American world; a world which yields him no true self-consciousness, but only lets him see himself through the revelation of the other world. It… Continue reading The Making Of Blue Collar Hustle — Part 2: Allegory Of Ajani

Tech Spotlight: Sherrell Dorsey

The Abernathy Tech Spotlight series highlights black professionals working in tech, from freelance developers to non-technical founders. Complete this form to submit your profile. How did you get into tech? Technology has always been a passion of mine. My family was always big on access to computers and we were one of the first in… Continue reading Tech Spotlight: Sherrell Dorsey