Fantastic Lies and Omissions

Duke University Campus

“I am innocent. Every member of the Duke lacrosse team is innocent. You have all been told some fantastic lies!” —David Evans The new ESPN 30 for 30 documentary film, Fantastic Lies, marks the tenth anniversary of the Duke University lacrosse scandal by providing a step-by-step analysis of the scandal. At the conclusion of the two hour… Continue reading Fantastic Lies and Omissions

Historical Reflections on Black Americans in NYC Real Estate and the Agents of Change

Although I am not black, I would like to reflect on the agents who denied black people their predetermined fates of oppression, and ultimately changed the landscape for black New Yorkers and all tenants of color. The roots of residential segregation that remain in our society may stem from the time of redlined New York.… Continue reading Historical Reflections on Black Americans in NYC Real Estate and the Agents of Change

Papa Was a Rolling Stone

P apa is rolling stone Piece of sediment covered with dirt rain soot fractures my mother’s tears Praise its speed Praise its swiftness Praise the mineral that was never concrete A tribal stone that rolled its way from Africa and cotton field Praise the stone that broke too many glass houses glass women This Rolling… Continue reading Papa Was a Rolling Stone

Connecting Through the Canvas: Donnie Rogers, Harlem Artist

A famous Harlem transplant once said, “I have discovered in life that there are ways of getting almost anywhere you want to go, if you really want to go.” Almost a century ago, Langston Hughes moved to the uptown New York City neighborhood from the Midwest to spread his creative wings in an era that… Continue reading Connecting Through the Canvas: Donnie Rogers, Harlem Artist

The Dueling Sides of “Just Comply”

Since the gunning down of Mike Brown in August of 2014, more attention has been brought to the problem of police brutality in America, specifically police brutality directed at unarmed black men and children. While the mainstream narrative prefers to frame this as a “new” problem, it’s really an age-old issue rooted in the severe systematic and institutional racism… Continue reading The Dueling Sides of “Just Comply”