Even Me

Dating in New York City can be fun, and I took full advantage of it as a single girl. I remember one date in particular. I met a guy at a party with friends, and in usual fashion exchange numbers and we set up a date the following weekend. I was staying in Harlem, he… Continue reading Even Me

For Free?

“We’re all in this together: An expression of solidarity.” The breakout hit from the 2006 Disney Film High School Musical. The song was part of a musical score for a clip released in April of this year. The clip featured a news report about multiple boys attending South Fort Myers High School in Florida taking… Continue reading For Free?

On Ian Connor, Theophilus London, and Rape Culture

L ast week, videos of Ian Connor, who is Kanye West’s creative consultant, surfaced on Twitter. In these videos, Ian Connor is seen sucker-punching rapper, singer, and Kanye collaborator, Theophilus London. In case you don’t know who Ian Connor is, he’s been accused of rape by at least six women. It was covered in major outlets… Continue reading On Ian Connor, Theophilus London, and Rape Culture