Police Are Protecting and Serving. Just Not Us.

The definition of “police” is, according to Merriam-Webster, “to supervise the operation, execution, or administration of to prevent or detect and prosecute violations of rules and regulations.” The ambiguity of this definition allows the act of policing to be transformative, and therefore have the ability to operate on both the micro- and macro-level in several… Continue reading Police Are Protecting and Serving. Just Not Us.

learn by doing

In the first few months of launching and running Abernathy, I learned more than I would have in a year of grad school. Not just the nuts and bolts of publishing and media and selling sponsorships, but also things like the transformative power of going faster than you’re comfortable with and working on projects that… Continue reading learn by doing

Contributor Spotlight: Charles Snyder

The Abernathy contributor spotlight series shines the spotlight on our brilliant authors. If you’d like to write for Abernathy, please submit your best work here. Why is writing important to you? Writing is important to me because it’s my therapy. It’s my personal savior. It gives me a platform where my unique ideas and experiences… Continue reading Contributor Spotlight: Charles Snyder

Burrito Justice

“The true measure of our commitment to justice, the character of our society, our commitment to the rule of law, fairness, and equality cannot be measured by how we treat the rich, the powerful, the privileged, and the respected among us. The true measure of our character is how we treat the poor, the disfavored,… Continue reading Burrito Justice

More Birthdays: Raising Money to End Discriminatory & Abusive Policing

We’ve heard statistics, circulated hash tags, protested, watched body cam videos, watched the nightly news, lashed out on social media, prayed earnestly, cried uncontrollably, prayed some more, vented to loved ones, watched documentaries, read headlines and read the pain on faces after yet another killing of an unarmed civilian. If you’re like me, you often… Continue reading More Birthdays: Raising Money to End Discriminatory & Abusive Policing

once i’ve seen

I see them consuming our pain Bite after bite, like it’s an appetizing kernel of the popcorn in their hands Taking in the stories of our youth, our desperation, our devastation of opportunity Like they’re candy I’m sitting here, thinking to myself, These are the stories of poverty, of pain, The stories that can become… Continue reading once i’ve seen

The Ascent Of The Creative Black Man: Kendrick Lamar Untitled/Unmastered Review

“Somewhere near the center of this cosmos we occupy, the creative black personality lives and maintains itself, moving through time, unlocking mysteries, producing reflections and legend. Once, black life and the ceremonies that punctuated it; birth, rites of passage, the praising of natural forces or gods, these and other efforts all found channels of expression… Continue reading The Ascent Of The Creative Black Man: Kendrick Lamar Untitled/Unmastered Review

Contributor Spotlight: Alexia Clincy

The Abernathy contributor spotlight series shines the spotlight on our brilliant authors. If you’d like to write for Abernathy, please submit your best work here. Why is writing important to you? Writing is important to me because I enjoy educating others through my personal experiences. If someone can read my stories and gain a useful… Continue reading Contributor Spotlight: Alexia Clincy

Carving The Rosetta Stone: Elzhi’s Lead Poison Review

“Writing is an often-painful task that can feel like the death of one’s past. Equally discomfiting is seeing one’s present commitments to truths crumble once one begins to tap away at the keyboard or scar the page with ink. Writing demands a different sort of apprenticeship to ideas than does speaking. It beckons one to… Continue reading Carving The Rosetta Stone: Elzhi’s Lead Poison Review

Trump Is Right about America’s “Inner Cities”–but Wrong on Everything Else

Donald Trump’s archaic use of the term “inner cities,” illustrates a couple of important points regarding where reality and urban revitalization meet. America is experiencing a historic tide of re-urbanization, and areas once called “inner city”—such as Harlem, New York City—are now hot property. So what was Donald talking about? He correctly notes the critical… Continue reading Trump Is Right about America’s “Inner Cities”–but Wrong on Everything Else