President Barack Obama is loved and hated for different reasons by whites and blacks. For many rural whites and bigoted racists, Obama is seen as a foreigner who epitomizes the dismantling of white supremacy. Blacks vary in their love-hate relationship with Obama. Some see him as a mixed black man who did not push the… Continue reading Obama, Thank You
Results for "sandra bland"
It is Not the Duty of Black Women to Smash Patriarchy
This is article four of five in a patriarchy series—from the mouth of a Black man to the ears of Black men—written by the multi-talented Daniel Johnson. Subscribe via email. Often, the loudest voices raised against patriarchy are those women that it oppresses the most harshly, quite similar to the way that the loudest voices… Continue reading It is Not the Duty of Black Women to Smash Patriarchy
Black Men, We Must Hold Ourselves and Each Other Accountable
This is article three of five in a patriarchy series—from the mouth of a Black man to the ears of Black men—written by the multi-talented Daniel Johnson. Subscribe via email. There is a lot to hold Black men accountable for when it comes to the perpetuation of patriarchy, rape culture, and anti-Black woman sentiment. There… Continue reading Black Men, We Must Hold Ourselves and Each Other Accountable
The Baltimore I See
I grew up in the suburbs, about 10 miles west of Baltimore City, went to predominately white schools and only knew of “the city” as the Inner Harbor. My lens was very limited. Shielded by my own blindness, it wasn’t until I entered high school that I started becoming more aware of the other Baltimore.… Continue reading The Baltimore I See
Decentralizing Masculinity: The Opening
This is article one of five in a patriarchy series—from the mouth of a Black man to the ears of Black men—written by the multi-talented Daniel Johnson. Subscribe via email. I decided to begin a five-part examination into the ways patriarchy expresses itself specifically within the context and confines of Black America. I believe this… Continue reading Decentralizing Masculinity: The Opening
The Dueling Sides of “Just Comply”
Since the gunning down of Mike Brown in August of 2014, more attention has been brought to the problem of police brutality in America, specifically police brutality directed at unarmed black men and children. While the mainstream narrative prefers to frame this as a “new” problem, it’s really an age-old issue rooted in the severe systematic and institutional racism… Continue reading The Dueling Sides of “Just Comply”
Maybe She Should Have Just…
I deleted and wrote this essay over at least twice. It was difficult to write because I was still sorting out my emotions. I didn’t want to vent and write an angry piece or feel compelled to have something encouraging to say. I also wanted to make sure this essay had a clear purpose, given… Continue reading Maybe She Should Have Just…
Misogynoir and Me
On Thanksgiving night five years ago, my uncle, a guest in my parents’ home, insisted that we watch a two-hour Beyoncé special airing that night. I wanted to slap the shit out of him. “I don’t wanna see that black bitch.” I’m not proud of it, but that was my first thought. An offense punishable by… Continue reading Misogynoir and Me
You Only Got In Because You’re Latina
“Well, you’re Hispanic. That’s how you got in. You know that, right?” …twelve words that destroyed me that fall day freshman year. I had just started college at the University of Florida and I was attending my first class in the honors program. I’d qualified without a problem, or so I thought. Now, a fellow… Continue reading You Only Got In Because You’re Latina
Traumatized Bodies, Desensitized Minds
As more footage of the late Sandra Bland’s final hours of life spirals onto the desks of talking heads and news channel producers, I think it’s important to acknowledge the ability of film to distort and desensitize us to the abuse of another human being. We live in an age and culture where we have… Continue reading Traumatized Bodies, Desensitized Minds