Vol 2: Everyday Struggles—Hip Hop’s New Counter-Culture

Peace. Welcome back to Music for the Rest of Us—an exploration of dope music made with artistic integrity. If you missed the first edition, you can read it here. In short, this column is dedicated to music that’s about something more than just the turn up. I just finished listening to Mark Battle’s new release:… Continue reading Vol 2: Everyday Struggles—Hip Hop’s New Counter-Culture

My Father Couldn’t Hug Me And I Refuse To Repeat History

T he day my father passed away is a day that will forever remain etched in my mind; not because of the loss, but because of the way his death brought us closer. He battled pancreatic cancer for nearly a year and the decline happened so fast the entire day still feels like a dream.… Continue reading My Father Couldn’t Hug Me And I Refuse To Repeat History

On Ian Connor, Theophilus London, and Rape Culture

L ast week, videos of Ian Connor, who is Kanye West’s creative consultant, surfaced on Twitter. In these videos, Ian Connor is seen sucker-punching rapper, singer, and Kanye collaborator, Theophilus London. In case you don’t know who Ian Connor is, he’s been accused of rape by at least six women. It was covered in major outlets… Continue reading On Ian Connor, Theophilus London, and Rape Culture

A Letter from Mom

A heartfelt, handwritten letter found on the ground at 114th and Lenox in Harlem. Dear the light of my life, This is your mommy. I know you are all grown up. And I know you have your own life to live now. I just want you to know that I love you, and I will… Continue reading A Letter from Mom

Categorized as Harlem

No Safe Spaces: When Violence Against Women is Fantasy and Reality

A ctress Rose McGowan made headlines recently while calling out a billboard for Fox’s X-Men: Apocalypse movie and its connection to violence against women. While comic books, and by extension the movies that spawn from the books, are not bastions of world peace or shining beacons of how we should treat each other, McGowan’s beef… Continue reading No Safe Spaces: When Violence Against Women is Fantasy and Reality

A Few Words About Orlando

I didn’t have the words to express how I felt about what happened in Orlando. I sat on my couch Sunday morning and continued to watch the death toll climb. First it was twenty people. Then it was fifty. Then fifty-three. And the last number I saw before I started to write this piece, was… Continue reading A Few Words About Orlando