Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America — An Excerpt

Malcolm X

Excerpted from Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram X. Kendi (Nation Books, 2016). Reprinted with permission from Nation Books. The passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 hardly hurt Lyndon B. Johnson’s commanding position for reelection during that election year. Johnson did face an improbable challenge… Continue reading Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America — An Excerpt

Abernathy Man: Nkrumah Pierre

Nkrumah Pierre Managing Director of Business Development of "My Business Matches" is seen on the streets of New York City near Lincoln Center and in his home office in Harlem. Taken for McDonogh Report. Chuck Zovko / Zovko Photographic llc January 16, 2014

Abernathy Man is a series that spotlights remarkable black men and the work they’re doing. Harlem, the historically African-American neighborhood of Manhattan in New York, has given the world a number of influential treasures: W.E.B. Du Bois, the Harlem Renaissance, and James Baldwin, to name a few. Harlem is also home to Nkrumah Pierre, an… Continue reading Abernathy Man: Nkrumah Pierre

Rowdy and Raw: Getting Real with Keith Golden Yoga

Over the past two years, I’ve been attending on average two yoga classes per week across the D.M.V. area. Initially I started practicing because I wanted to balance strength training with mobility to increase my form and lift heavier weights, then my practice transitioned from focusing on the physical benefits to digging deep into the… Continue reading Rowdy and Raw: Getting Real with Keith Golden Yoga

“College,” As Told By a Young, Black Male

Life is about choices. Each choice and decision you make will ultimately decide your fate. I am a young Black male enrolled in college. It’s a first in my family, but one of the many in America today. Like any journey there will have good and bad moments, however, I feel quite blessed about where… Continue reading “College,” As Told By a Young, Black Male

Black Musicians Didn’t Give A F*ck About The Black Dahlia

Excerpt from “I’ll Get You My Pretty” Black Los Angeles & The Black Dahlia by award-winning novelist Pam Ward. “Every musician has his last gig,” Joe said. Drummer Man, the youngest of the group, polished his sticks and put them away. The other musicians zipped their cases or gathered sheets of music. Like a cigarette… Continue reading Black Musicians Didn’t Give A F*ck About The Black Dahlia

We Must Dismantle the Morehouse Mystique and Examine Our Masculinity

In her explosive, heart-wrenching article “Our Hands are Tied Because of This Damn Brother-Sisterhood Thing,” writer Anita Badejo outlines disturbing accounts of sexual assault that took place on Morehouse’s campus. The article—released on January 21, 2016—not only contains disturbing actions of Morehouse students but ultimately dismissive and disrespectful responses by Morehouse College administrators. On May… Continue reading We Must Dismantle the Morehouse Mystique and Examine Our Masculinity

You Have the Right to Remain Silent. Use It.

Recently, S. Lorén Trull dove into The Dueling Sides of “Just Comply” and the struggle between standing up to police brutality and making it home alive. The “comply, then complain” advice is something defense attorneys like me often tell our clients, but we realize it’s a difficult thing to do. People of color are faced… Continue reading You Have the Right to Remain Silent. Use It.

This Is Our Come Up, So Don’t You Dare Give Up!

To my social world, learn to love your hell so you may better understand when positive comes your way. Even in these harsh times, every generation sees the past as better. While living in the pain, it’s hard to see the passion, but these times we’re in are perhaps the greatest time for this nation… Continue reading This Is Our Come Up, So Don’t You Dare Give Up!

Rogue’s Rules: Chapter 3

Rogue’s Rules is a work of fiction by award-winning, bestselling author Jervey Tervalon. Read the other chapters in the series here. RULE 8: Nothing wrong about not dying. Nothing right about taking a bullet you don’t need to take I dreamed of craziness mostly; the usual firefights at midnight, and the sound of ground being… Continue reading Rogue’s Rules: Chapter 3