Love Gaps

We are only heard from our graves / Depicted as the help or 40 million dollar slave / To whip work or catch a similar case / Of mathematics is problematic because this tragic habit is not in our fave / Or…institutionalize our lifestyle as a crime / like black military women with natural hairstyles… Continue reading Love Gaps

The Quiet Revolution

The quiet Revolution of being Black in America Where our bodies are always on auction blocks We are bought and sold for fragile egos Where our defiance is listed under justifiable homicide Justice is a word we don’t know and we are told to just go along Even when the police are hell-bent on violating… Continue reading The Quiet Revolution

strings attached

January 2007 (age 22) we had a tangled interaction some sort of twisted attraction and like a hemline i was taken in you stitched a quiltwork straight to my heart knowing i had to depart soon and these strings you stitched still attach me to you i tried my best to just do the homeylover… Continue reading strings attached